
“All the paths of the LORD are steadfast love and faithfulness, for those who keep his covenant and his testimonies.”

Psalm 25:10 (ESV)

As you follow God on the path He has designed for your life, you may be expecting the smooth ride of freshly paved asphalt rather than the deep ruts and potholes you encounter. But at times God’s ways involve these deep potholes in our path, cutting profoundly into our soul. The journey through residency training can encounter many such potholes. Distraction from His purpose in calling you to medical profession may threaten to sway your thinking, attitude, and decisions as you make the journey.

You are not alone. Many Christian residents are on the same journey, experiencing those very same potholes. Yet, for the followers of Christ, all of them are designed by the love and faithfulness of a merciful God.

We would like to introduce you to some residents who are sharing their Journey. As you read their thoughts, celebrate their victories, and empathize with their struggles…you will be reminded that even in your most challenging days, God is still at work. In them…and in you.

May God bless you as you continue your Journey.

J. Scott Ries, MD, FAAFP

National Director, Campus & Community Ministries

Vice President, CMDA

Thursday, September 1, 2011

Dr. Erik Lystad- Transitions

There is a challenge for most of us residents in transitory nature of our lives. We can feel a sense of impermanence as we make the journey from college to medical school to residency. Yet there is a blessing in the new experiences and unknown travels that catalyze an Abrahamic-like faith as we 'go' into the unknown and move to new cities and states for our various training programs. Click to read more

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